
Showing posts from March, 2017

Baswan committee

Yoga as optional subject in UPSC ....................................................................................................... There is no proposal under the consideration of the Central Government at present to introduce Yoga in the list of optional subjects in UPSC exams. Further UPSC has constituted an Expert Committee under chairmanship of Shri B.S. Baswan to comprehensively examine the various issues, raised from time to time regarding the Civil Services Examination read more on: Visit the kavyesh gk world for ias page on fb



Nilgiri biosphere

The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was the first biosphere reserve in India established in the year 1986. It is located in the Western Ghats and includes 2 of the 10 biogeographical provinces of India. Wide ranges of ecosystems and species diversity are found in this region. Thus, it was a natural choice for the premier biosphere reserve of  the country. The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was established mainly to fulfill the following objectives: To conserve insitu genetic diversity of species To restore degraded ecosystems to their natural conditions To provide baseline data for ecological and environmental research and education To function as an alternate model for sustainable development Geography The total area of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is 5,520 sq. km.  It is located in the Western Ghats between 76°- 77°15‘E and 11°15‘ - 12°15‘N.   The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve encompasses  ...

Congress map



Cabinet approves four GST Bills  The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the following four GST related bills: 1.      The Central Goods and Services Tax Bill 2017 (The CGST Bill) 2.      The Integrated Goods and Services Tax Bill 2017 (The IGST Bill) 3.      The Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Bill 2017 (The UTGST Bill) 4.      The Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to the States) Bill 2017 (The Compensation Bill) The above four Bills have been earlier approved by the GST Council after thorough, clause by clause, discussion over 12 meetings of the Council held in the last six months. The CGST Bill makes provisions for levy and collection of tax on  intra-state  supply of goods or services for both by the Central Government. On the other hand, IGST Bill makes provisions for levy and collection of ta...

Wolrd sparrow day

World Sparrow Day is a day designated to raise awareness of the house sparrow and then other common birds to urban environments, and of threats to their populations, observed on 20 March.It is an international initiative by the Nature Forever Society of India in collaboration with the Eco-Sys Action Foundation (France) and numerous other national and international organisations across the world. The Nature Forever Society was started by Mohammed Dilawar, an Indian conservationist who started his work helping the house sparrow in Nashik, and who was named one of the "Heroes of the Environment" for 2008 by Time for his efforts.The idea of marking a World Sparrow Day came up during an informal discussion at the Nature Forever Society's office. The idea was to earmark a day for the house sparrow to convey the message of conservation of the house sparrow and other common birds and also mark a day of celebration to appreciate the beauty of the common biodiversity which is take...


Red corridor

रूसी क्रांति से प्रेरित नक्सलवादी विचारधारा के लोगों के लिए 'नक्सलवाद' मार्क्सवाद-लेनिनवाद-माओत्सेतुंगवाद के क्रांतिकारी पर्याय के रूप में जाना जाता रहा है।  नक्सलवा...

.महमूद गजनवी

महमूद ग़ज़नवी  (971-1030) मध्य अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में केन्द्रित  गज़नवी वंश  का एक महत्वपूर्ण शासक था जो पूर्वी ईरान भूमि में साम्राज्य विस्तार के लिए जाना जाता है। वह तुर्क मूल का थ...

Somnath Temple

सोमनाथ मंदिर  एक महत्वपूर्ण  हिन्दू  मंदिर है जिसकी गिनती १२  ज्योतिर्लिंगों  में सर्वप्रथम ज्योतिर्लिंग के रूप में होती है।  गुजरात  के  सौराष्ट्र  क्षेत्र के  वेरा...

Salt march